

As stated in Architecture Architecture part of Introduction, First You should implement a trigger regarding these parameters:

  • verb_name: equals to the signal’s name (required)

  • action_object: An object or a class model that the signal operated on it. It is exactly equal to sender parameter in signals. (It’s required for the pre-defined Django signals)

  • actor_object: If you use a custom signal that you pass this parameter, you can use it (Optional)

  • target: It’s just a simple string and used as a piece of side information. Same as actor_object, target is used with a custom signal (Optional).

Then you can define some backend s. We have already defined some messengers and message_templates that are initialized on DSN’s core by default. You can implement your messengers and message_templates. It’s explained in Backends.

For connecting backend to the trigger, you must define at least one subscription and select the user and group that must receive the message.

Custom Signal

In addition to django default signal(that we load all of them in DSN by default.), You can define your signal according to the Django official documentation. It’s a standard way to define custom signals in the of each app.

custom_signal = Signal(providing_args=["parameter1"])

Then you must set up the custom signal in the ready function of the app’s config in

class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'myapp'
    def ready(self):
       from .signals import custom_signal
       from django_signal_notifier.models import Trigger
       Trigger.registered_verb_signal('custom_signal', custom_signal)


Because runs in migration too. To avoid initialization problems You must import django_signal_notifier and signals in ready function.

If you want to use actor_object or target, You must set them as the signal parameters. action_object is optional, but it isn’t necessary to be defined as a parameter, You can set it as signal sender parameters(Refer to Django signal documentation, ` send method part <>`_)


sender is necessary for all pre-defined Django’s signals. Therefore, DSN uses sender as action_object by default.

Same as a standard Django signal, you can use send and send_robust to trigger the signal.